QUICK32 program is used similarly to AVAST32 and LGUARD32 for file testing on presence of some known virus.
It is mainly used for file scan called by popup menu i.e. in "Explorer" program. In other cases is more useful to use AVAST32 or LGW32 program.
QUICK32 program is set up by default to test all files for virus presence. Compressed files will be at first scanned in its compressed form, then internally decompressed and scanned again.
The program informs the user on its progress through a small icon situated in the right part of the task bar.
The user is informed about the scanning progress by a dialog window , which shows the name of the file being currently scanned.
Via the "OK" button you can close the window, the scanning will continue. If you want to stop the scanning earlier, press the "Cancel" button.
If the QUICK32 program has found a virus, it will inform the user by means of a warning message . However, the program will finish after the finding and announcing of the first virus, and that is why the user will only be advised of the first virus in case that the tested folder contains more infected files.
The command line of the QUICK32 program reads as follows:
QUICK32 <name>
The <name> parameter determines name of folder or file, which will be scanned, including its path. In case that as a parameter was entered folder, all its subfolders will be also scanned.
The QUICK32 program does not send any return codes.